About us

Jehona e Malësisë is a nonprofit organization helping the Albanian community collaborate to develop, strengthen and advance educational, cultural, Social and economic wellbeing.

Our Objectives

In Collaboration with other organizations and individuals we strive to:

• Through community-wide cultural and educational programs, bring together the Albanian population in service to the homeland through cooperation with all religious sects and across political spectrums.

• Create, develop and fund educational programs to preserve, grow and advance our cultural values here in United States and within any diaspora elsewhere. 

• Create an inclusive membership of people with various backgrounds, dedicated to the ideals of betterment through coordination, collaboration and service to the Albanian community.

• Assist the less privileged, underserved and deserving students with creating accessibility to education and opportunities.

• Create programs for education, training and entertaining our youth, strengthen and expand their knowledge about the Albanian community, language and History.

• Create programs and projects to help members of the Albanian community with special needs. 

• Create and develop funds to help community members facing extreme poverty

• Undertake research and action to advance the rights of Albanian peoples within occupied territories.

• Lead in transparency by providing all financial reports to all members and supporters in an easy-to-view platform.

• Inspire and motivate Albanian young professionals to volunteer and contribute to our community and homeland by recruiting, connecting and integrating them within the structures of the organization. 

• To champion equality and equity for historically marginalized and disenfranchised indigenous Albanians still residing in Montenegro.

Our Core Team


Agron Dedivanaj

Vice Presidents

Zef Berishaj,  Simon Sinishtaj


Anton Gojcaj

Vice Chairmen

Irena Vulaj, Nua Gjelaj


Dede Dushaj, Nora Juncaj


Simon Ivezaj, Peti Camaj, Beku Gjelaj, Marash Micakaj


Anton Dedvukaj

Social Media Manager

Xheni Alibashi

Political Strategist

Vilson Sinishtaj


Kolë Dedivanaj, Gjergj Gojçaj (Kelota), Gjoke Gojcaj, Nua Dukaj, Tomë Lulgjuraj, Kol Gashaj, Dode Ivanaj